
Nasal Bone Deviation

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The nose is an aesthetically important area in the center of our face. However, some people may experience some congenital or acquired structural defects in their noses. In this article, we will focus specifically on deviation nasal bone curvature. Deviation of the nasal bone curvature occurs as a result of the curvature of the cartilage and bone layer called the nasal septum and can cause serious health problems. New generation techniques and methods are successfully applied to eliminate such problems.

Deviation of the nasal septum, a condition that can be present from birth or develop later in life, can negatively impact an individual’s quality of life. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms or suspect nasal deviation, it’s important to seek help from a specialist doctor. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can improve your nasal function and overall quality of life. So, what is deviasyon? Here’s all the details you’re curious about!

What is Deviation?

Deviation, known as a deviated septum, is the condition where the cartilage and bone partition (septum) inside the nose is not straight. In a normal nose, the septum divides the nasal cavity equally on both sides. However, in individuals with nasal deviation, the septum has become curved or crooked. This condition can lead to one nostril being narrower than the other, causing disrupted airflow in the nasal cavity.

What is nasal septum deviation?

The nasal septum is the structure composed of cartilage and bone that divides the nasal cavity into two halves. This structure normally divides the nasal cavity evenly, ensuring that both nostrils are of equal size. However, in some individuals, the nasal septum can be abnormally curved or bent. This condition is known as ‘Nasal Septum Deviation’. Deviation can cause nasal congestion by making one nostril smaller than the other. It is often congenital, but can also result from certain traumas.

Nasal septum deviation is a condition that can be difficult to notice but can have a negative impact on daily life. Individuals experiencing symptoms such as nasal congestion, sleep problems, and headaches should consult an ENT specialist to diagnose this condition and consider appropriate treatment options. Remember, as with any health issue, early diagnosis and treatment can lead to better outcomes.

Septal Deviation Surgery

Septal deviation surgery, generally referred to as “septoplasty.” This surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia and is usually a relatively short procedure, lasting around 1-2 hours. During the surgery, the curvature of the septum inside the nose is corrected, and equal airflow is established between both sides of the nasal cavity. This helps the patient breathe better and addresses nasal-related issues.

In modern times, less invasive endoscopic techniques are used for septal deviation surgery instead of traditional surgical methods. It is important for individuals considering septal deviation surgery to consult with an ENT specialist (Ear, Nose, and Throat) first. A medical evaluation will determine the necessity and suitability of the surgery. Those experiencing complaints such as nasal congestion, sleep apnea, and chronic sinusitis may benefit from septal deviation surgery.